Hair Accessories for Women in their 30’s

hair accessories

Just because you are a 30 something, you think you can’t support hair accessories? Completely wrong thinking and this is young girls are making fun of you. Don’t count it as age, instead count is as your level and it will sound pretty cool.

hair accessories

Just like that, we are going to teach you how you can still wear hair accessories and own them all.

  • Head Scarf

The best thing about scarfs is we already have them in our closet. May it be silk or cotton with solid or floral pattern, they will work just fine. However, floral are for warm seasons while softer hue and subtle are better for fall. You can pair the head scarf with a bun or pony tail if you want.

  • Barrett

This is considered as the new fall accessory! For a pony, these are an easy way for punching up the basic on the go. At crown, it gives more volume while adding a bit character in your styling details, if your style is clean, it will look young. If it is tousled, it will look glamorous. It will be better to pair some accessories with these.

  • Bow Pin

These were mistook to went out of fashion. The bow pins as always been I, it’s just how you are supporting these. The Bow pins were always a favourite with buns, sleek straight hairs and braids. So you shouldn’t rule them out. Just get a solid print bowl, makes sure it complements your style and make it a part of your wardrobe.

  • Bandana

These were not only meant for Gangtas, These used to be less of a factory girl back when they were first introduced. Thanks to the mainstream media, we have completely forgotten how to wear them. But you can pull these up with a simple and basic hairstyle.