Guide to Patterned Stockings, Striped Stockings

Guide to Patterned Stockings

The female form is a work of art. Every single part of the body can be accessorized and turned into the center of attention. While people talk about the ass and boobs, the legs have been the ultimate sex symbol. As you watch a car advert, the first thing you always see is a long sleek leg and immediately you can always tell a beautiful woman is about to step out. For the average woman, the leg is never really much thought about but subconsciously you can always tell some time has been spent making them flawless and beautiful.

When it comes to accentuating the beauty of the legs, the stocking is the first thing that comes to mind. From the workplace to a night out, there is a stocking for every occasion. It has been around for ages and there is nothing to suggest that it will ever go out of fashion. To make it even better, the stocking has seasonal trends and every year the fashionistas find a new way to incorporate this lovely garment into the latest trendy wear.

Guide to Patterned Stockings

When it comes to choosing a stocking, there are a few basics that all women should be aware of;


The color of the stocking is the first consideration that should be made before purchasing a pair of stockings. They range from neutral colors to very bright stockings. When it comes to choosing the color of the stockings, your wardrobe becomes the greatest indicator of which colors you should own predominantly. For the workplace, neutral colors such as brown, grey, black and off black make for the best colors.

The bright colored tights come in all imaginable colors. However, the bright colored tights may be very tricky to wear as you would need to pair them with the right outfit to avoid looking comical and even straight up weird. The bright colored tights are mostly left to the young fashionable women who have a knack for setting street style trends or even following them. However, all that you need to rock the bright colors is a good sense of style and the right environment. For a music festival or a party, nobody would think twice about your out of this world look but for an office party that would be something totally different.

Patterned Stockings

When it comes to stocking design, the designers tend to get really creative to ensure that there are various options available. The most common type of patterned stockings include the manipulation of opaque and sheer material to make designs that are clearly visible. From roses to tulips to even crazier designs made for the adventurous lot, there are diverse choices that cannot be exhausted by any one person. Choosing a pattern is very much dependent on the event or occasion you are planning to attend.

The simple patterns are reserved for those office parties that require you keep is semi casual while the wild patterns are better suited for events that are wilder. This may include a music event or even a costume party. Patterned stockings take a classic piece of clothing and give it a twist to ensure that it appeals to those who are more adventurous with their dress codes and who need to make a fashion statement.

Striped Stockings

These are definitely not created for everyone. Striped stockings are those items of clothing that are considered risky at best. These are betters suited to the young ladies who have a bold sense of fashion and the creativity to successfully pull them off. The striped stockings come in various colors and opacity and they require an in depth understanding of current trends. While you may be able to copy someone else’s style and get away with it, this will be one of the lucky moments. Striped stockings are fun and carefree and therefore require a similar personality. For a corporate lady, these stockings would look comical at best and embarrassing especially if poorly executed. Before indulging in a pair of striped stockings, ensure that they have a flattering effect on you. However, these stockings make for great costume party attire especially if you are channeling a cartoon character.

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